Partnership Program Terms And Conditions

Program Overview: SNP Digitals offers a part-time job opportunity through its Partnership Program, allowing individuals to join our family and earn commissions by referring potential clients to our company.

Eligibility Criteria: Participation in this program is open to all individuals with the enthusiasm to work.

Registration Process: To register, users are required to provide their phone number, address, email ID, name, and date of birth. All provided data will be securely stored.

Partnership Code: Participants will receive a unique partnership code displayed on the Partnership Program dashboard.

Commission Structure: Currently, the company offers a commission of ₹2000 per referred client. After the initial two months, commissions will be based on the client’s value, with a detailed commission chart provided soon.


Participants are responsible for approaching various businesses such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, textile shops, gyms, and others during their available time. They should inquire about our services, such as websites, apps, or software solutions, and collect information like the client’s name, number, and address if the client is interested. This information should be uploaded in the Leads Form.

Our Responsibility:

We provide participants with posters, cards, and other materials. We follow up with the leads they provide and interact with potential clients. If a lead becomes a client, we update the participant who referred the lead and credit their commission to their wallet. If a participant wishes to withdraw their earnings, they can make a request, which we will cross-verify and process through their preferred payment method.

Code of Conduct: We expect participants to communicate effectively and be open about any issues they encounter while approaching potential clients.

Termination and Suspension: Participants may be terminated from the program if we receive complaints from other individuals regarding their conduct.

Privacy and Data Handling: Participant data collected during registration will only be used for the Partnership Program and will not be shared with third parties.

Intellectual Property: Participants must use our branding and materials provided appropriately. Misuse may result in action taken by the company.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be addressed and clarified within 2 business days.

Amendments and Updates: Whenever the terms and conditions are updated, we will notify participants on our official website.

Contact Information:

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